50- Is your situation serving you?


Hello my loves,

What a week this has been, and wow! Entry 50! This topic came to me as I was making a few major life decisions over the last month. I’ve been trying to focus on improving my life; making the most of what I have while elevating to my best self. I always get like this before my birthday and I’m 22 on the 30th! It feels fitting to discuss a question we have to ask ourselves often as a 20-somethings, so I hope this helps!

FYI this is based on. My own life experiences and knowledge, so take from it what you will. 9 times out of 10, if you are questioning the situation you are in, you are looking for something to change. The changes could be big or small but either way, something has to shift. 

Notice You Need Change. 

Here are some signs to look out for. Firstly, constantly compromising your wants and needs to fit the needs of others. This could be in work, relationships, family or home life. Is something that you want to being ignored? Are the compromises you’re making leading to happiness? That leads me to the second sign, the gut feeling of unhappiness. This can display itself in many ways, illness, stress, depression, constant tears, obsessive overthinking, disorganisation, hyper fixating or even a general inability to focus. Thirdly, as I mentioned earlier, just questioning yourself clarifies that you aren’t as happy as you believe you could be. You can notice all three of these things or 1 out of three; either way, something needs to change. The good news is, only you can change it so that’s a plus.  

How To Change It?

We are so blessed that the only thing we can control is how we handle things and how we show up every day. So, what can you do if you know you’re looking for change; spend some time with yourself, learn about whatever is troubling you. If you don’t need to be compromising, find a way to stop. In more difficult situations like family and work, what steps are you taking to change your situation? Think about the end goal, is your life now aligned with reaching it? Work backwards if you need to. That may mean putting in more hours or sometimes just exercising my favourite word, ‘No’ - haha! I still struggle with this one. Realistically, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to (within reason). I understand doing it if it’s going to serve an aspect of the future you, e.g. exercise, work, networking or saving. I’m not talking about kind gestures either, I’m talking about feeling used and doing things that affects your mental health. 

Why Should You Choose Change?

What do you have to lose? You can’t lose yourself. You are young, whatever age you are, you still have a lot of life to live. Wherever you are is not the be-all and end-all. Whatever is meant for you is out there, and it’s up to you to position yourself appropriately for your blessing to come. It’s not about being content, do you feel like you can fulfil what makes you happy, where you are right now? You are probably losing more compromising and accommodating your company's dreams and putting yours on the back burner. Your twenties are your crucial years, live your life how you want to. You have to make the choice.

Use this week to decide to change, whatever the outcome is you’ll only grow and learn.

Love you loads,

-JK x

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