59- The Revolutionary Mouth Tape: Change the way you breathe!

59- The Revolutionary Mouth Tape: Change the way you breathe!

image @theskinnyconfidential

Okay, my loves, hear me out, mouth tape. Yes, you read that right. No, I’m not trying to silence you (as if that would even work). People are taping their mouths shut at night, and somehow, it’s changing their lives. Who knew a tiny strip of tape could fix our breathing, our faces, and maybe even our whole vibe? Let’s get into it.

*This is not medical advice, please do not mouth tap if you have breathing issues / sleep apnea etc - this information has been gathered online and not from a medical professional, so please consult them*

1. Breathing Through your Nose.

We have been breathing all wrong. Your nose is built to filter and humidify air, while your mouth is just along for the ride. Taping your mouth nudges you to breathe through your nose, exactly where you're supposed to.

2. Your dream Jawline…

Mouth breathing over time can lead to a fuller face, all due to the pattern in which you breathe. Keeping your mouth closed while you sleep helps your face settle into a more structured shape. It's not an instant facelift, but it might give you that extra bit of contour without any extra work.

3. Bad Breath & Snoring!

A woman’s biggest fear on a romantic night away. If snoring or morning breath is your thing, this might be your ticket out. By breathing through your nose, your mouth stays moist, which helps cut down on snoring and keeps your breath fresh.

4. Better, Deeper Sleep.

Nasal breathing boosts oxygen levels and supports a more restful sleep. You might wake up feeling less groggy and more ready to conquer the day. It's one of those simple hacks that can really upgrade your beauty sleep.

5. Morning Calmness

Breathing through your nose can help activate the part of your brain that keeps you chill. If you've ever woken up feeling anxious or on edge, mouth taping might just help you greet the day a bit more zen.

So, Should You Try It?

Unless you're dealing with serious congestion or a health issue, why not give it a shot? A little tape and a few nights of adjustment could make a big difference in your sleep, breathing, and even your face shape.

With the TikTok shop ads being thrown at us, left and right. This might be your sign!

Use this week to do one thing to improve your overall health!

With Love,

-JK x




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